Category Archives: Blogging

How To Change WordPress Post Title Font Size

In your WordPress dashboard go to Appearance on the right hand menu, and then to Editor which should open to edit your style.css.  Then open your web browsers Find feature.  If you don’t know how to access it then press the Ctrl + F keys at the same time.  When the search box opens type in .hentry h1.  You should see something like this:

.hentry h1 {
font-size: 18px;

At that point change the number next to font-size and px.  Don’t touch anything else or you could mess up your blog.  After you change the number press the Update File button at the bottom of the page.  Then check your blog to see how the new font size looks.  You might have to refresh your browser to see the changes take effect.  If you don’t like the size then go back to repeat the above steps until things look right.

Stop Ridiculous Word Breaking & Auto Hyphenating In WordPress Blogs

Hyphened WordPressHas your Word Press blog inexplicably started hyphenating an insane number of words in your posts?  It’s unknown why this has become the latest default style in Word Press because it is pure unprofessional looking idiocy!  There’s no way to fix it except by editing the code.  To do this you must go to your WordPress Dashboard, and click Editor under Appearance.  Then find the following in the Style.css using the find feature in your web browser:

.site-content article {
   word-wrap: normal;
  -webkit-hyphens: none;
  -moz-hyphens: none;
   hyphens: none;

.widget-area .widget {
	-webkit-hyphens: none;
	-moz-hyphens: none;
	hyphens: none;
	word-wrap: normal;

You will find your code says auto next to the ones that say none above along with normal word-wrap being break-word.  Change that to normal in your code, and none for the rest as listed above.  This will automatically eliminate the auto hyphenating from all your future, and previous posts in one fell swoop!  As with any editing of the WordPress code be sure to back-up your database in case you accidentally screw something up!

Successful Blogging Copywriting Advice

1.) If you have a habit of creating long blog posts then consider breaking them up into a series of smaller posts.  This will not only make better use of your time by creating content for the days, and weeks ahead but also prevent the average impatient reader from leaving your site prematurely.

2.) Use dashes to visually break up your content, and make it seem shorter for an audience that likes to devour each piece of content quickly in a fast food manner.  Again if it seems too long the average easily distracted reader will leave before getting your entire message.

3.) Copy, and paste your content into a word editor.  Then change the font type, and size.  This will trick your brain into thinking that it’s something new so you can more easily catch any errors before publishing.